Creating a Web page with HTML

Html is a building block for a webpage.It is to website what a solid foundation is to a house. Without HTML code,developers won't have anything to build on. HTML is used to layout the structure ofa website. They are usually written in tags: Opening (<...>) and closing tags (<\...>).There are a lot of tags but we will be looking at the commonly used tags.

To write html code as an absolute beginner , there are two basic tools needed; a text editor could be notepad for windows PC and text edit for Mac and a Web browser e.g Google chrome to test the results. All html files are saved as .html.

Here are some of the tags:

● head- Contains all the meta data information and the title of the webpage

● body- Contains the content of the webpage

● h1 - Heading element..This is the most important heading and it runs down to h6

● p - Paragraph

● img - Image element

● br- Line break

● a - Link tag

● table - Table tags

● li - List tags

● div- Division tag and many more

Example of a typical html webpage

   <title>My Webpage </title>
   <h1>Heading 1</h1>
   <h2>Heading 2</h2>
   <p> Just like this, tags can carry attributes too such as style, src,alt,class,id etc</p>